
Dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom
Dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom

Before culling I do the backup anyway and can go back if for example, I find out that the photo is not sharp enough and want to check the others in the same series. So, I need an application which reads photos quickly, the low resolution is OK, I need to delete the doubles or tripples or bad-composition pictures. I know I can run building of previews during the night as well but I would prefer to do it immediatelly. LR and Abode Bridge take their time to read the photos or to build pre-views. Now I am looking for software which helps me to cull the photos quickly. The power of PureRAW is in a batch processing! Topaz is a very good software but it takes me at least 10minutes per picture to fine-tune, to choose right settings in preview and then it does processing itself and block me from working.

dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom

Yes, PureRAW eliminates almost all noise but sometimes by a very high ISO like 12500 or 10000 something can be still seen. I also have the last version of Topaz DeNoise and use it at the end of processing if there is still a bit of noise. The last version of PureRAW has more features and settings but to be honest I don't even use them. Sometimes I do some changes in LR to see if the photo qualifies to be processed and then run it in a batch PureRAW and after importing in LR the chnages will be re-applied automatically. That means I do denoising before processing. For me is important that it can run in a batch and deliver very good results! You can also do it manually, of course! and let all your computers run some batch -) So, it can work in Workflow as a plugin and independently. The Pure RAW exported the pictures into the LR Catalog after processing. That means that after selecting the best photos I let the PureRAW run the batch (of 100 photos or more) in Mac Mini during the night or during the day time when I can work in Mac Air on the other catalog. The PureRAW is a batch processing program. I expect that LR on Microsoft PC will open my Catalogs as well becasue of NTFS format of the disk and I can take my work "with me" so to say.

dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom

It gives me a possibility to work parallel on two catalogs at least becasue I have a Mac Air and Mac Mini. For example, after a big shooting somewhere in national park or in Africa I keep the Africa-trip in a separate catalog with the photos on external hard disk formated as NTFS. I have my LR Catalogs on external drives along with photos classified on years or themes. I have PureRAW fully integrated in my Workflow just in the beginning of processing after the culling of bad pictures. But you can denoise your photos faster in PureRAW becasue it has a batch processing. My partner works with DXO PL and made the tests of de-noising the same photos on both applications. I think, PureRAW and DXO PL have the same engine for de-noising and corrections.

Dxo photolab 2 vs lightroom