Should this data fall into the hands of cyber criminals, if the service you've signed up to is hacked for example, this data can subsequently be distributed across the internet and even sold to other bad actors for a variety of purposes, from accessing further personal details or even hijacking your identity. This is because whenever your data will be stored in some place anytime you register for an account on a service, make an online purchase or register for a newsletter.

You may be able to prevent advertisers from tacking your online movements, as well as your ISP, although it's impossible to completely mask your digital presence. When activating private browsing sessions, it's important to bear in mind that browsing and download data can never be entirely private, even though you may make great efforts to protect your data by enabling private browsing mode on different browsers and across all your devices. Once in Private Browsing mode, the browser window will display a purple mask at the top.

To open a Private Window, tap or click the menu button, which is presented as three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the window, and then select New Private Window.