There were a lot of things that were excellent about this movie, like the cinematography and the performances, though it isn't as good as the first film. All previous BBFC cuts were finally fully waived in 2009 for the Blu-ray release, and the film upgraded to 15. The resulting cuts meant that the audio commentary was dropped from the UK release (probably because it would have been out of sync), although it is still mistakenly advertised as present on the DVD packaging. Various extra features being rated 15 caused the overall category of the DVD to be 15. The BBFC downgraded the certificate back to the original 12 certificate (which was not possible in 1992, when the 12 certificate was cinema only), and waived the cuts to the chain-sticks scene, but the aerosol in the microwave scene remained cut on the grounds that it was a potentially dangerous imitable technique. In 2005, the film was resubmitted for the special edition DVD release. These cuts also applied to all pre-2005 VHS and DVD releases. One cut was of a clown swinging nunchakus, the other was of Catwoman putting some spray-paint cans in a microwave to start an explosion at a department store. In the UK the film was cut by 9 seconds at its cinema release.